10 Future Versions Of Heroes BETTER Than The Original

4. Old Woman Laura

Batman Beyond
Marvel Comics

The original Laura Kinney is a clone and biological daughter of Logan. Raised to be a killer, she eventually takes on Wolverine's mantle, fighting for good.

In a near-future, where superheroes have helped bring peace to the world, Old Woman Laura is Queen of the utopian Madripoor. Laura is a fair and strong leader both politically and in battle. A breakdown of her clone genetic code means she only has months to live, so she decides to check off the last few items on her bucket list: kill Doctor Doom and save her sister.

Doom lives in a dome where no tech other than his own works, so Laura and her team have to go in old-school style. Laura is as fierce a fighter old as she was young, but with the added experience years of battle provides. It is, in the end, not her claws alone that help her defeat Doom, but her ability to outwit him.

Old Woman Laura is a better hero than the original version of her character. She takes all the things that made her younger self a good hero and builds on them with grace and peace-of-mind that a long life and coming to terms with her own quickly approaching death has brought.


West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.