10 Great Supervillains With Terrible Origin Stories

1. Lex Luthor Losing His Hair

Lex Luthor Bald
DC Comics

Perhaps the most infamous and hilarious case of a weird origin story for an absolutely sublime villain is that of a particularly unique classic backstory for Lex Luthor, that saw him go evil because he went bald.

Well, that might not be doing it fully justice. See, in this continuity, Luthor was a humble teen scientist, seemingly almost as proud of his scientific ability as he was his quaffed locks of hair.

So when Superman (going by Superboy at the time, as he was also a teen) was saved by Lex from a Kryptonite meteor, the spaceman naturally wanted to repay the favour. Unfortunately, while the gesture was lovely - crafting Luthor a custom lab - Superboy didn't think about the fact that leaving dangerous unknown chemicals with an unsupervised teenage might not be the best course of action.

To be fair, things only went wrong when Lex knocked over a concoction he had just made, starting a fire in his lab. When Superboy came to put out the fire, his breath would destroy one of Lex's other experiments, and create a fume that would turn the scientist bald.

Despite the fact that the Man of Steel saved him from burning to death in this accident - and that it was Lex's fault in the first place really anyways - this would convince Luthor to hate Superman for the rest of eternity, proving that he is at least the pettiest villain of all time.

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DC Quiz: Which Lex Luthor Said These Quotes?

President Lex Luthor
Warner Bros.

1. “Sent Them Back To Their Flying Tin Can In The Sky.”


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