10 Great Supervillains With Terrible Origin Stories

8. Milkman Man... Is A Milk Man

Lex Luthor Bald
DC Comics

Milkman Man, by all means, deserved way more of a presence than he got in the world of comics. Though it's a dumb name - and perhaps a dumb premise - the idea of a "failed" version of Superman who believes himself to be a goddamn milkman is the kind of content that literally doesn't stop giving.

Especially given how entirely, 100% surreal the poor guy's beginnings are. You see, the reason the character is so dang weird is that he's the product of two people who shouldn't exist - Casey Brinke and Terry None from the Doom Patrol series - kissing.

As if this alone wasn't weird enough, the poor thing is then taken by a questionably named organisation named Retconn (the two N's make it subtle) and turned into a milk-drinking, Superman-copying weapon of destruction.

And he's still cool as hell - just unfortunately the level of insanity his backstory reaches is to such a degree that you could never, ever tell anyone who's not into comics about him, or they'd think you were having a mental breakdown for enjoying reading about it.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.