10 Greatest Comic Book Villains With ZERO Superpowers

1. Joker

Mysterio Spider-Man
DC Comics

Batman regards the Joker as the most dangerous person he's ever faced. Considering the Caped Crusader has fought Bane, Doomsday and Darkseid, that's a terrifying statement.

Figuratively, Joker looks like he shouldn't pose much of a threat, and realistically you could kill him with one really good left hook. But the Clown Prince of Crime isn't a run-of-the-mill supervillain - he's an architect of horror.

Even though many people think Joker kills without rhyme or reason, he often makes his crimes extremely personal, solely to get under Batman's skin. Why should Joker kill a random civilian when he can slaughter Batman's sidekick, Jason Todd? Why should he manipulate an average Joe to murder when he can trick Batman's buddy, Superman, to destroy an entire city? Adding a personal touch doesn't just make Joker's crimes more horrific - they force Batman to feel responsible. If Jason wasn't Batman's sidekick, he wouldn't have been killed. If Jim Gordon wasn't friends with Batman, Joker would've never paralysed his daughter or murdered his wife.

Joker can't fly, move at superspeed, or shoot lasers but his unbridled ability to destroy his enemies psychologically makes the harlequin of hate the scariest supervillain one can face.

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James Egan has been with Whatculture for five years and prominently works on Horror, Film, and Video Games. He's written over 80 books including 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts About James Bond 1000 Facts About TV Shows