10 Greatest Comic Book Villains With ZERO Superpowers
2. Lex Luthor
Superman's nemesis, Lex Luthor, claims to be the world's smartest man. Based on his achievements, it doesn't seem like an exaggeration. He dreams in algorithms, solved Fermat's Last Theorem in kindergarten, and built an extra-terrestrial detector when he was a teenager.
With his vast intelligence and ruthless business savvy, Luthor forged Lexcorp - a company which harbours 11 million employees (over half the population of Metropolis). Over time, he became the world's richest man, the US president, and an official member of the Justice League.
Although Luthor's vast wealth and drive gives him the ability to shape the world for the better, his crippling jealousy towards Superman has twisted him into a psychotic megalomaniac. Supes has faced daunting foes like Zod, Brainiac, and Doomsday, and yet, he believes Luthor is the greatest threat to humanity. Not only has Lex forged all sorts of Kryptonite rays and doomsday weapons, he has used good old fashioned manipulation to turn the entire world against the Man of Steel on many occasions.
Rarely armed with anything but a snazzy suit, Luthor has come out on top against the Last Son of Krypton more times than anyone.