10 Greatest Marvel Comics Of The 21st Century

8. Vision (2016)

Planet Hulk

The most recent comic on this list, The Vision deserves all of the extensive praise it's received. This comic only lasted 12 issues, but tells a complete story that is utterly heartbreaking.

The Vision decides to give suburban living a chance and builds a family. The concept doesn't sound exciting by itself, but the story pulls you in unlike anything else Marvel has done recently. This is a story that really benefits from being collected in graphic novels. The whole arc ties together and connects many threads that are set up in early issues flawlessly by the end of the run.

Unlike the majority of comics on this list, this one doesn't rely on a lot of action to tell a story. The arc itself moves at a slow and steady pace, which is a true artistic feat in comics. Unlike other visual mediums like film, comics usually allow the reader to set the pace for the story by how quickly pages are turned and how much or little attention the reader wants to pay.

The Vision makes the reader slow down and really consider the written and visual language that is being used in a way that most comics simply cannot achieve.


Comic book store owner, podcaster, and cheese enthusiast