10 Greatest Members Of Wildstorm's The Authority

6. The Doctor - Jeroen Thornedike

The Doctor Jeroen Thorndike

To say that Jeroen Thornedike was a reluctant hero would be a slight understatement.

More likely to avoid the fight than face it head on, this incarnation of the doctor was more of a hindrance at times. He OD'd on his honeymoon to a controlling rockstar only to be saved by a superhuman blood transfusion and then used his vast powers to make his wife’s backside unbelievably huge, which says everything you need to know about his priorities.

He got his comeuppance for that choice though as during 'The Transfer of Power' storyline when the whole Authority were stripped of their powers and replaced by a government run team of a-holes, the Doctor was turned into a doll by his successor who used him to scrub the stains from his undergarments.

He and the team regained his powers but he then went on to lose his life to a sexual tryst with Rose Tattoo.


Paul Hayden hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.