10 Greatest Superhero Duos Of All Time

6. Captain America & Falcon

Batman and Robin Early Cover
Marvel Comics

Sam Wilson's Falcon was one of, if not the first African-American superhero to appear in mainstream comics, way back in 1969. Wilson's origin was as a Harlem resident, drawn into a Nazi plot after responding to an ad for a hunting falcon, which he of course owned.

When everything went south, Cap suggested Wilson take on a superhero identity, naturally going with Falcon, and they both helped organise a rebellion among the residents of the island the Nazis had taken over.

No exception to the comic book partnership rule, the pair have butted heads in the past, such as when Falcon starts carrying a gun, becoming more violent thanks to manipulation by Scarlet Witch. Famously though, Wilson ends up taking over the mantle of Captain America as a way to honour his friend, after Rogers can no longer be Cap anymore.

Indeed without characters like Wilson, a certain interpretation of a character like Captain America could easily show him as a symbol of jingoism and nationalism, instead of the figure of freedom and acceptance that he is.

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Tim is a writer, actor, improviser and occasional stand-up comedian. Read his blog at: https://timgoodingsbandwagon.wordpress.com/