10 Greatest Superhero Duos Of All Time

4. Green Lantern & Green Arrow

Batman and Robin Early Cover
DC Comics/Neal Adams

The Hard Traveling Heroes arc is one of the most iconic storylines in mainstream comics. In the early 70s, Neal Adams and Dennis O'Neal paired up Green Lantern and Green Arrow for a series of stories that saw them travelling across America, exposing them to the sorts of problems and people they would never usually see in their day-to-day heroism.

With Oliver Queen having lost his fortune previously, the character had been made much more of an anti-establishment figure, while Hal Jordan by contrast was very clearly a representative of the establishment, literally acting as a police officer for the planet Earth and its entire space sector. One's a by-the-book cop who doesn't compromise, and one's a scrappy vigilante just trying to do the right thing.

Together the pair encountered drug addiction (specifically with Queen's sidekick Speedy), gun violence, racism, you name it.

The stories and the partnership impacted the characters greatly going forward; Ollie's outward liberalism became a hallmark of the character, while Hal learned the value of questioning authority, leading to many of his most interesting stories flouting the rules of the Green Lantern Corps, and the Guardians who created it.

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Tim is a writer, actor, improviser and occasional stand-up comedian. Read his blog at: https://timgoodingsbandwagon.wordpress.com/