10 Greatest Superhero Duos Of All Time

3. Power Man & Iron Fist

Batman and Robin Early Cover
Marvel Comics

Heroes for Hire Danny Rand and Luke Cage were originally paired up as two ailing series that couldn't quite sustain their own titles. Funnily enough, a similar tactic was taken with the Netflix shows based on the two characters, with Danny Rand's character getting a larger role in Luke Cage season 2, after the mixed reception of the first season of both Iron Fist and Luke Cage.

In their first comic book appearance together, they went head-to-head, but quickly became close friends after Iron Fist chose to help clear Cage's name after his time in prison.

Eventually they started the aforementioned Heroes for Hire business/partnership together, also starring in several comic books as 'Power Man & Iron Fist' since. Their names are now practically synonymous with each other's, with Rand's martial arts style complementing Cage's brute force.

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Tim is a writer, actor, improviser and occasional stand-up comedian. Read his blog at: https://timgoodingsbandwagon.wordpress.com/