10 Heartbreaking Moments Comic Book Characters Realised THEY Were The Villain

8. Viktor - Deadly Class

Death of Captain America
Image Comics

Created by Rick Remender, Deadly Class is all about Marcus Lopez in his journey through what is essentially Hogwarts for killers.

The first part of the story follows the all too familiar high school tropes of going to class, learning how to murder people, and all of the social mishaps in between. The school even has its own set of jocks where we are introduced to the son of a KGB operative, Viktor.

Throughout the early stages of the comic, Viktor acts as the generic dumb muscle, often at the butt of the joke. That is, until the final exam.

Normal finals are terrifying enough, but these finals pit all of the kids like Viktor, whose parents paid for them to be there, against all of the kids picked up off of the street, like Marcus.

Viktor would go on to kill several of Marcus' closest friends and hunt him down long after that. Eventually, the two would meet up again, and during that conflict, Marcus finally manages to break through to Viktor. See, Viktor was just trying to do his father proud by becoming the top killer at the school.

It wasn't until Marcus made him realise that no father should want that of their son, and that the school is corrupting people, that Viktor eventually let Marcus go.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.