10 Horrific X-Men Characters Who Should Never Appear In The Movies

6. DJ

Stepping away from Rob Liefeld and the temporal maelstrom of awkwardness that is the Summers family, we have Mark €˜DJ€™ Sheppard: a student at the Xavier Institute with the ability to transform music into various different superpowered effects, depending on the genre of the music being played. Referred to as €˜acoustic eclectic mimicry€™, a name that actually makes less sense than the craptastic power that it describes, this ability manifested itself in the creation of forcefields when listening to classical music; concussive blasts when rocking out to heavy guitar; the manipulation of light from dance music; and the ability to fly when listening to gospel, of all things. It€™s never been made clear whether that€™s all there is, or whether the kid has umpteen discrete superpowers dependent on subgenre. Does reggae give him the ability to read minds? Does country music allow him to change shape? Does punk rock give him claws and berserker rage, and nu metal the abnormal, distorted physique of a Rob Liefeld character? I have so many questions. What if he€™s listening to really bad genre music - do his powers suffer? Do the Dixie Chicks only allow him to transform into Lego models of the shape he wants? What about if he got really into a genre spanning band like Skindred, the UK€™s finest punk-ragga-metal hybrid - are we talking a sudden transformation into a feral telepath with a neck thicker than his waist, forever trapped in tennis poses on legs too thin to hold him up? And where does Enya come into this? Or Weird Al? Does listening to U2 turn young Mark into a complete tosspot€ you know, like it does with everyone else? Tragically, DJ lost his powers on M-Day, and along with the forty-two other depowered students at the Institute, was shipped out of the school on a bus that was then bombed to shrapnel by terrorists. That€™s right: the powers that be at Marvel had a load of school children blown to pieces when they stopped being interesting. Well played, you moral freakshows.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.