10 Horrific X-Men Characters Who Should Never Appear In The Movies

5. Reaper

The second of our triple threat from the fertile ground of the 1990s Mutant Liberation Front, Reaper is just a terrible, pointless idea of a person. There were twelve year olds playing the Marvel Superheroes roleplaying game back in the eighties who designed less amateurish, more cohesive and interesting characters. Reaper€™s power is the generation of a neurosynaptic field that slows down or incapacitates his opponents... however, he needs to channel it through a metal object, and uses handheld scythes for the purpose, hence the name. However, he€™s not super effective at it. Despite claiming to be a weapons master, Reaper gets his ass handed to him on a regular basis, and often his hands too. Whether as a semi-hero or a terrorist villain, he€™s not the sharpest tool in the box, or the greatest fighter anyone€™s ever seen. In point of fact, when he first shows up as a villain in New Mutants/X-Force he ends up losing three limbs in as many appearances, having both missing hands and his leg replaced by cyborg prosthetics, and leading to a running gag where his own teammates sniggeringly make Darth Vader jokes behind his back. He later has the bionic hands replaced by mitts that can change shape into scythes, because he€™s fully committed to the thematic weaponry suggested by his name€ even though the design aesthetic he€™s been saddled with (coming from the sh*t-flinging monkeys at the design school that gave us Shatterstar and Stryfe) would appear to be €˜crap killer clown€™. When he was shown to be one of the many mutants who lost their powers on M-Day, Reaper would also be seen to have inexplicably lost his bionic parts too€ which makes no sense of course, but there you go.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.