10 Horrific X-Men Characters Who Should Never Appear In The Movies

4. Tag

Another doomed member of the Xavier student body, Brian €˜Tag€™ Cruz was a kid who preferred to follow rather than lead, taking the enthusiastic lackey role in the Hellions group on campus. Well, with a power like his I€™d have merged with the scenery too. As his nickname suggests, Cruz could psionically €˜tag€™ someone, making them emit a psychic signal that influenced others to either be repelled and run away from them or compelled to run directly at them. He could also determine how many other people this would affect. Because Cruz was a kid at school and an X-Men character, he€™d usually say €œTag! You€™re it!€ after tagging someone, thereby making everyone reading the comic wish that one of the Institute€™s teachers would clip him around the ear. Some of the mutant kids at the Xavier Institute were deliberately given non-powers, as a nod to the idea that the genetic x-factor that determined mutation didn€™t always give you cool superpowers, but occasionally just made you a weird, ugly novelty. Beak, for example, was an birdlike humanoid who couldn€™t even fly, but because he was brilliantly, touchingly written, became an incredibly popular part of the supporting cast. Tag wasn€™t one of those kinds of characters. They even had a storyline that suggested what the upper limits of his powers might be when he had grown and matured sufficiently to access the higher end of his mutation. Sadly, he€™d be one of the forty-three children who wouldn€™t get to grow and mature at all: losing his powers on M-Day, he€™d be on the bus leaving the Institute€™s grounds that would become the target of a terrorist missile.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.