10 HUGE Comics Moments (That Were Revealed In Spin-Offs)

1. Everything About The Infinity Gauntlet - Various

Joker Batman
Marvel Comics

With the popularity that the Infinity War and Endgame films received, it's a sure thing that many fascinated fans found themselves finagling their way through the annals of comic history, in an attempt to read the series that influenced the crowning glories of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Doing so is a little bit of a nightmare, as the comic most would immediately flock to - the Infinity War comic - actually begins where the Infinity War film ends. For those who spot this, and go to this comic's prequel, the Infinity Gauntlet, another complication arises, as this series also starts with the Mad Titan holding the completed Gauntlet, meaning that this, too, isn't where you'd begin the storyline.

So how does Thanos get the Gauntlet in the first place? Well, finding this out requires you to chase through a fair assortment of comic series.

Various issues of the Silver Surfer, Warlock, the Avengers, and the semi-hilariously named Thanos Quest are required in order to begin to get an understanding of where the plot truly begins - although honestly, the true answer is sort of wherever you can be bothered to start reading at.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.