10 HUGE Comics Moments (That Were Revealed In Spin-Offs)

2. The Joker's Face Removal - Detective Comics (Vol. 2) #1

Joker Batman
DC Comics

The main Batman comic and the Detective Comics series are different in one crucial regard: what they're supposed to provide fans. Enjoy intrigue, mystery and crime-sleuthing skills? Detective Comics is right up your crime alley. Prefer the focus on fighting and Batman's life? Then the main comic is tailor-made just for you.

Only, things aren't always as simple as that. Fans who believed reading one series would be fine no doubt found themselves profoundly confused when all of a sudden, the Joker reappears in the Batman series with the skin of his face carved off and turned into a grim mask.

The Joker would quite literally deface himself in the first issue of the new run of Detective Comics, but this hugely important detail wouldn't find its way into the other side of the franchise until a whole year later.

This meant that, if you actually wanted to find out how and why this terrifying mutilation had taken place, you had to do a bit of detective work of your own. Or to Google it, we guess - so long as you don't find the nightmares of anything non-comic related that might also show up.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.