10 HUGE Comics Moments (That Were Revealed In Spin-Offs)

5. The Venom Symbiote - Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #8

Joker Batman
Marvel Comics

In the current day, symbiotes are one of the most complicated facets of the Marvel universe, with the Klyntar race having an intricate lore that spans thousands of years.

So it's interesting to note that, when the Venom symbiote was first introduced, it wasn't even in the regular Spider-Man comics that he would become an integral part of. Instead, the alien armour would feature in the 1985 Secret Wars series, where it would attach to Peter Parker as a new, stronger suit.

Which he rocks up wearing in Amazing Spider-Man #252, with no explanation given as to what the suit is, where he got it, or why it slims his figure so well. In fact, the only detail given about Venom in this issue is that the suit can be put on or taken off by thought alone, which raises more questions than it answers.

Answers would come in issue 258, but this was a resounding four months later, at which point most interested readers likely just bought Secret Wars in the first place.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.