10 HUGE Comics Moments (That Were Revealed In Spin-Offs)

4. Damian Dies - Batman Incorporated #8

Joker Batman
DC Comics

Batman Incorporated, for all that it is entertaining and well-written, is one of the less-read titles in the Batman roster. This isn't a statement about the series' quality, but rather the content it usually covers - as it tends to focus on side characters doing ultimately not hugely important things.

In a bid to change this, DC featured one of the biggest events in comics at the time in issue 8 of the 2012 run of the series, having Batman's sidekick and biological child Damian Wayne die brutally within it.

But the storyline would only stay in Incorporated for two more issues, making readers question why such a huge death wasn't put in the regular Batman series in the first place. As it was, we watched as Batman grieved, brooded, and then eventually made an insane scheme to revive his dead boy, despite the fact that a good portion of readers hadn't seen the kid die in the first place.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.