10 HUGE Comics Moments (That Were Revealed In Spin-Offs)

3. Loki's Death - Siege

Joker Batman
Marvel Comics

As the event set to close up the ongoing Dark Reign storyline, the Siege series was regarded by fans with equal parts excitement and disdain, depending on their opinion of Dark Reign thus far.

As such, a fair chunk of readers likely opted to not buy Siege, at which point some of them missed the death of their favourite villain.

Because, in the fourth issue of Siege, Loki is literally exploded into several pieces while helping Marvel's heroes face against the insanely powerful Void. Though this initially appears like yet another classic comic fake-out death, it's made especially clear that this time the God of Mischief has died for real, with Thor even flying into space to throw his body into the sun, just in case you weren't sure.

For those who didn't see these particular moments, though, things were about to get dang confusing - as Thor and Journey to Mystery would feature Loki's death as a key plot component.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.