10 Human Comic Book Anti Heroes You Don't Want To F**k With ... Ever!

5. The Goon (The Goon)

The Goon As big and handsome as Marv Eric Powell's Goon character is a whole different kettle of fish to his Sin City counterpart. He's a rough housing son of a bitch that calls his own shots in a world that has inconveniently become overrun with Zombies. With his smart mouth best chum Franky forever by his side The Goon secretly runs the local racket acting as a hired gun for a crime boss who he killed many years earlier. Goon's main adversary is the mysterious Priest without a name who is a dab hand at resurrecting the dead who he then uses as his own personal army against Goon and Franky. Unfortunately for The Priest his undead minions are useless and always come out worst when fighting The Goon but it doesn't stop him trying time and time again. To his credit Goon takes it all with a pinch of salt happily handing out a beating to anyone that fancies trying their luck. Battling Vampires, Swamp Apes, Hobos, Hags and giant monkeys is all in a days work for this comic book bad ass and we're sure he'd include you in that list if you tried him.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.