10 Iconic Superhero Team-Ups Fans Love

6. Daredevil And Spider-Man

Batman Superman
Marvel Comics

First published in 1964, Daredevil's secret identity is Matt Murdock. Blinded by radioactive material that gives him heightened senses and a radar vision, he fights crime and works as a lawyer. He and Spider-Man first teamed-up early in Murdock's comic career in Daredevil #16 and were popular enough to have had over 100 crossovers. Their team-ups are always full of witty banter and a brotherhood fans love.

Daredevil is a man without fear, and he can be dangerously impulsive. In The Amazing Spiderman #677 the two face a hostage situation and a pack of men with guns. Spider-Man tries to defuse things, while Daredevil loudly tells him off. "Why so timid? What are you worried about?" To which Spider-Man thinks sourly: this is why no one likes partnering with Daredevil.

Daredevil is correct in his assessment (the gun-wielders are in fact holograms), but it's also correct that he can be tricky to work with.

On the flip side, Spider-Man often has zero filter. One of their team-ups involves Daredevil griping about partnering with someone who yammers on all the time, since Daredevil needs to rely on his acute hearing as part of his fighting. Even when they get on each other's nerves they are still good friends, and often tease like brothers.

The Daredevil/Spider-Man mini series intercuts action with scenes of Daredevil chiding Spider-Man about his childish sense of humor, only to end with Daredevil sending Spider-Man off with a clap on the back (and a secretly placed "kick me" sign).


West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.