10 Iconic Superhero Team-Ups Fans Love

5. Birds Of Prey

Batman Superman
DC Comics

Barbara Gordon is the daughter of the police commissioner and worked alongside Batman as Batgirl. After being paralyzed in Batman: The Killing Joke (1988) she reinvented herself as the tech-savvy Oracle.

First appearing in Suicide Squad #23 (1989) she is a brilliant hacker who helps heroes by brokering information. Later, she regains the use of her legs at takes back the Batgirl name.

Black Canary first appeared in Flash Comics #86 (1947). Depending on the series, she is either Dinah Drake Lance, or daughter Dinah Laurel Lance taking on the mantle of her mother. The character is strong, skilled in hand-to-hand combat and has the power to create ultrasonic vibrations when she screams.

Oracle and Black Canary teamed-up in Canary/Oracle :Birds of Prey (1996). Oracle provides intel, Black Canary takes on the work Oracle physically cannot. In 2003 Huntress was added to their duo. She is a morally grey vigilantly, but despite this, they become fast friends.

The sisterhood between the three was loved by fans and they have continued to regularly team-up. Their initial series ended in 2009, was relaunched in 2010, and then rebooted in 2011 and 2016 (with Barbara returning as Batgirl).


West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.