10 Iconic Superhero Team-Ups Fans Love

4. Captain America And The Falcon

Batman Superman
Marvel Comics

Captain America passing on his mantle to the Falcon may have come as a surprise to viewers who only know the characters through the MCU. However, not only is this canon in comics, there is a strong friendship between the two and a rich history of team-ups. The Falcon was introduced in Captain America #117 (1969). He has low-level telepathy with birds, and a suit that lets him fly.

Their early team-up and friendship was used to address civil rights issues and explore the Black Power movement. Sam Wilson doesn't back down when it comes to discussing racism and fighting against oppression. Steve Rogers is more trusting of the system, particularly for their first 5 years (before a Watergate-style scandal shakes his faith in the government and he nearly retires).

Both have a fierce sense of justice, but have had life shape their view of the world in different ways. Sam Wilson is an orphan who grew up in Harlem. Steve Rogers was frozen after World War II and is out-of-touch with the modern society he woke up in.

Because it's dated some of the handling of race issues are dodgy at best, but it was revolutionary at the time and their friendship was loved by fans. The two fought alongside each other for nearly the entirety of the seventies. Since then they have continued to team-up, have had a short run of a new Captain America and the Falcon (2004), and Sam Wilson took on the role of Captain America.


West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.