10 Image Graphic Novels You Must Read Before You Die

6. Savage Dragon Archives, Vol. 1

The Walking Dead Image Comics
Image Comics

Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon has been an ongoing book for Image Comics since the publisher was founded back in 1992. The titular hero is a green-skinned, fin-headed superhero who began working as a police officer in the city of Chicago, Illinois though he had no memory of his life before he was found in a burning field.

While this volume comprises the original miniseries (with some added material), the best part of Savage Dragon is that it tells the story in linear time. When someone is introduced in the series, they age, they have kids, they grow old, and they die... well, potentially - characters rarely die of old age in comics.

The Savage Dragon holds the distinction of being one of only two series to remain in publication since Image began publishing comics and it has been helmed the entire time by the series creator. This is an amazing achievement given there have been more than 235 issues published by September 2018.

Once you've read the first volume, you won't have much choice and will have to grab the second, but be warned: there are dozens of volumes to enjoy!


Jonathan is a graphic artist, illustrator, writer, and game designer. Jonathan retired from the U.S. Army in 2017 and enjoys researching and writing about history, science, theology, and many other subjects. He writes for ScreenRant, CBR, NerdBastards, Listverse, Ranker, WhatCulture, and many other sites online. You can check out his latest on Twitter: @TalkingBull or on his blog: jonathanhkantor.com