10 Immortal Comic Book Villains (And How They Died)

6. Ra’s Al Ghul

thanos lady death
DC Animation

When it comes to depopulation enthusiast Ra’s Al Ghul, you can go ahead and put an asterisk next to his immortality. Ageing like any mortal, Ra’s Al Ghul can reinvigorate himself thanks to his handy access to seemingly endless Lazarus pits. The pits have in turn allowed him to live and wreak havoc for more than a thousand years. Thanks to the pits being able to resurrect the recently deceased, writers from various mediums have often had fun with giving him the Solomon Grundy treatment.

His most (in)famous comic book death comes at the hands of his own family when his daughters Nyssa and Talia do away with him during a rough, running-low-on-Lazarus-pits phase in his life.

Several adaptations of the character have featured him dying horribly also including Batman refusing to save a considerably less supernatural Ra’s Al Ghul in Batman Begins. A self stabbing and near endless fall in Arkham City and the bizarre moment in The Brave and the Bold cartoon series where Batman throws his hated foe off a mountain top during a scuffle in the Himalayas.

Luckily for The Demon’s Head, revival is always just a pit bath away.

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