10 Important Life Lessons Comic Books Teach Us (In Elaborate Ways)

2. One Person Can Make A Big Difference

Often, it's very easy to feel unimportant - like a small fish in a big pond - in this world and your efforts can sometimes seem futile. However, always remember that the efforts of one person can often make a huge impression on a wider scale. Use someone like Batman as your incentive and inspiration for this. The caped crusader is a mere man, but he took to defending the crime haven of Gotham City single-handedly and crime decreased massively as a result. You may think that your work is going unnoticed and that small contributions to causes (such as charities) barely make a difference, but you'd be very wrong. Everything you do makes a difference. You're important. Never forget that!
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.