10 Important Life Lessons Comic Books Teach Us (In Elaborate Ways)

3. Don't Be Too Trusting Of People

Again, somewhat related to the previous two points, comics teach us not to be too trusting of people. Using the internet as an analogy again, the real world is full of people pretending to be someone they're not. All too often, youngsters are lured in to meeting predators online who were speaking to their victims under the guise of being teenagers themselves - the news is, sadly, reporting such incidents on a regular basis. The youngsters meet their apparent new friend, only to find out that he/she is actually a man/woman much older than them looking to do them harm in some way. Shape-shifting characters like the Skrulls - who often infiltrate superhero teams whilst making themselves look like their peers - essentially do the same thing. They gain the trust of people by pretending to be someone they're not and, as such, teach readers not to be too trusting in the real world.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.