10 Incredible Batman Comics (That Don't Star Bruce Wayne)

5. Batman: Battle For The Cowl

Gotham Central 1
DC Comics

When Bruce Wayne was "killed" during Final Crisis, DC Comics put everything on hold for the Bat-Franchise. Nightwing, Robin, and the Birds of Prey were all canceled. Detective Comics and the main Batman book went on hiatus, so for three months, there was no ongoing for Gotham City. In their stead came Battle for the Cowl, a storyline that brought about a transition for so many of the Bat-Family with so many one-shots and miniseries that its hard to define a single comic that works within it.

During the fight to take back Gotham City from the newer, bolder criminal elements, Dick Grayson fights against his fate to become the next Batman, while Jason Todd runs around as a gun-toting Batman. Oh and Tim Drake is also there, dressing up as Batman for a little bit too.

This story is the pinnacle of the Post-Crisis Era of the Bat-Family, with 20 years of build up finally coming to a head. Everything is laid bare, showcasing the brilliance of these characters as well as how they all embody aspects of Bruce Wayne's Batman.


A.J. Carey is a child of pop culture, learning to read on comic books and raised like any true '90s child on films way above his age range and network television!