10 Incredibly Unlikely Duos In Comic Books

4. Star Trek/The X-Men

The assorted crew of the starship Enterprise(s) have met Marvel's most famous mutants far more times than ever should have happened in any reasonable universe. Like the combination of Batman and Spider-Man, nothing highlights the silliness of your characters quite the two of them sharing a comic book panel and - in the case of Picard and Storm - flirting. It happened first with Kirk and his crew, then again with Picard and the NCC-1701-D lot. On both occasions, the two teams seemed to get on well enough, with the notable exception of Wolverine and the Enterprises' biggest nerds, respectively. Picking a fight with Mr. Spock and Mr. Data, on both occasions, Wolverine found himself defeated and humiliated; neck-pinched and tossed aside like the overrated mutant salad he essentially is. Unlike a lot of the crossovers on this list, the Star Trek/X-Men stories aren't too bad. Honestly, they're worth it for Worf's befuddled reaction to a "sto-gie" alone.
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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.