10 Incredibly Unlikely Duos In Comic Books

3. Harry Potter/The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen

A tenuous one, granted - and Potter isn't even mentioned by name in Alan Moore's lawsuit-baiting League of Extraordinary Gentlemen sequel. It's definitely him though, as evidenced by the team's little daytrip to Hogwarts (again, not mentioned by name), bearing witness to the atrocities committed there. The league (consisting only of Mina Harker, Allan Quartermain and Orlando) track Potter down to the invisible house where he's been hiding out, where an epic battle takes place. Again, Harry isn't mentioned by name, but it's all there - the scar on his head being the Mark of the Beast which identifies him as none other than the Antichrist. Poor Quartermain pays the ultimate price, being killed by Harry Potter with a lightning bolt from his penis. Sadly, they won't teach you a protection spell for this in your Defence Against the Dark Arts classes. This isn't the only piece of Potter mythos pinched by Moore for his books - in the previous instalment, Mina encountered a younger Voldemort (referred to as Tom) at a concert in Hyde Park. Still, the presence of Potter is nothing next to the story's surprise saviour... That's right, Mary Poppins arrives to save the day, flying in on her signature brolly. Honestly, it makes the pairing of Captain Kirk and the X-Men look positively sane by comparison.
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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.