10 Incredibly Weird Comic Book Timelines

7. Marvel Tails

1602 spiderman
Marvel Comics

Though the Larval Universe didn't survive long, one character has managed to find himself popular beyond the baffling premise of this alternate timeline.

The Larval Universe and standard Marvel Universe are pretty much the same – same characters, roughly similar origins and motives – except all the humans are anthropomorphic animals.

Published in 1983, Marvel Tails (see what they did there?) features on its cover: Captain Americat, Hulk Bunny, and Peter Porker the Spectacular Spider-Ham.

It's this last character who received his own (short-lived) series featuring the likes of Deerdevil, Goose Rider, Ducktor Doom, Magsquito and many, many others.

Although intended for a young audience the Spider-Ham series is fun for all ages with its Mickey Mouse art style and puns. So many good puns.

Spider-Ham may not have been able to carry his own comic, but he has made a number of appearances elsewhere, most notably the Spider-verse limited run where he plays a key role in the battle of all the Spider-Men. He is the only pig, though, so points for being unique.

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Wesley Cunningham-Burns hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.