10 Incredibly Weird Comic Book Timelines

6. Apevengers

1602 spiderman
Marvel Comics

Honestly, what is Marvel's fascination with animal based alt-timelines and animal puns?

It feels like the Apeverse and Larval Universe were created to deal with all the ape and monkey puns the Marvel bullpen had uselessly conceived.

In truth Marvel Apes was conceived as a sort of spiritual sequel to the incredible popular, and very of its time, Marvel Zombies.

Our introduction to the seminal simian timeline was a four-issue (or five if you count issue 0) limited series following prime timeline character Gibbon as he explores the alternate world where apes are the dominate species.

There's a whole stolen identity plot line involved if the everyone is an ape aspect wasn't enough to get you excited.

The universe made some cameos in further iterations of the Marvel Zombie stories (which for some reason proved more popular than ape-themed superheroes) and has become a largely forgotten and unused property.

Apevengers guys, Iron Mandrill: how can you not love it?

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Wesley Cunningham-Burns hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.