10 Incredibly Weird Comic Book Timelines

5. Leatherwing

1602 spiderman
DC Comics

A lot can be, and has been, done with Batman. He's a simple character driven by a prime motivation – though he can come off as a bit of a facist at times, his motives are pure. He doesn't want some other kid living through what he has.

You can take Batman, put him into a number of alternate timelines and just sit back and watch the show; and usually it's pretty good.

Detective Comics Annuals #7 though might just take the Batman transplant a tad too far. They made him a pirate.

We're not talking a modern day terrifying pirate but a swashbuckling, rum drinking, Johnny Depp pirate.

Batman (or Leatherwing as he's called in this timeline) is employed by King James II to pillage and cause havoc across the seas, mostly at the Spanish – they have the most ships you see. Technically his employ by a king would make him more of a privateer, but that's way less cool.

Leatherwing comes with everything one would expect from Batman, his friend and servant Alfredo, a sidekick named Robin Redblade and an evil pirate called the Laughing Man: guess who that's based on.

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Wesley Cunningham-Burns hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.