10 Incredibly Weird Comic Book Timelines

4. 1001 Emerald Nights

1602 spiderman
DC Comics

1001 Arabian Nights is a collection of Middle Eastern stories, parables, and folktales. It's been translated and changed into hundreds of variations which include stories that modern culture still uses today, such as Aladdin and his genie lamp.

The device used to frame the stories is that of a woman who postpones her execution by telling her new husband stories with cliffhangers; he gets so into the story he can't bear to kill her until the stories conclude.

Emerald Nights works in about the same way, except with Green Lanterns.

Arabian and Emerald nights share the framing device: a woman tells Sultan Ibn Rayner a story about a fisherman named Al Jhor Dan who finds a magic green lamp that grant him a genie of awesome power.

The story is pretty out there, mixing modern DC lore with one of the oldest stories known, but the art by Rebecca Guay takes what would have been a brief trip to an alternate timeline and turns it into an amazing self-contained comic.

Emerald Nights was published in 2001 and has remained popular among non-comic fans; people who have never read a Green Lantern comic in their life love the story.

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