10 Insane Alternate Versions Of Superman You Won't Believe Exist

2. Tarzan Superman

Superman and Tarzan teamed up for a straight adventure in the 30s set Claws Of The Cat-Woman, which was fun, but Sons Of The Jungle provided a really weird twist on both characters' origins. Instead of landing in Kansas, baby Supes ends up in the jungle where he is raised by gorillas, whileas Tarzan is never lost by his clumsy parents and grows up to be a bit of a posh English ponce called Lord Greystoke. Greystoke has an adventurous streak, though, and on an expedition to the rainforest he stumbles across a super-powered chap in a loincloth who has painted a big S on his chest for some reason. It all goes a bit Jungle 2 Jungle at the end when Greystoke decides he actually quite likes the simple life of hanging out with gorillas and eating ants, whilst the primitive Superman abdicates his throne as Lord of the Jungle and makes a move to the big city, where he'll start wearing slightly less revealing clothes than he did in West Africa. There's some adventure involving a lost city full of treasure and monsters where the characters have to team up to prevail, but it's the sight of Superman as an idiotic muscle man raised by monkeys that's just...weird.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/