10 Insane Batman Crossovers You Won't Believe Existed

7. Batman/Deadman: Death And Glory

Batman Deadman Death and Glory
DC Comics

Given they share 50% of their name, you’d expect the Batman/Deadman crossover would perhaps focus on the parallels between the two heroes and allow them to show their similarities and differences through their interactions – or, at the least, allow them equal time on the page. Although both are reasonable assumptions, this is definitely not the case for Death and Glory.

The Deadman himself does not show up until roughly halfway through the issue, and even then - without spoiling the plot for those brave enough to venture into these pages - his role is not especially impressive.

The events of the issue certainly make it more noteworthy than other Dark Knight crossovers – from a particularly jarring image of Batman holding a knife to a woman’s neck, to performing a spirit summoning ritual, there are some truly wild moments in the James Robinson comic.

This is made ever stranger when combined with the changing art style, which seemingly changes from a series of overlapping photorealistic jpegs to some heavily surrealist paintings - at times on a whim. It makes the whole comic feel like the literary equivalent of a fever dream, so take that as you will.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.