10 Insane Batman Crossovers You Won't Believe Existed

6. Batman/Punisher

Batman Punisher

Though not a spooky ghost man or genetically mutated scientist, the Batman/Punisher crossover is easily crazier for a whole host of reasons.

The main reason being that the Punisher is one of the few characters whose franchise is darker than Batman himself. The other, is that while a Batman Punisher team up would be a team up as insane as it is cool, the crossover is not about the conventional holder of the cowl, Bruce Wayne, but rather his slightly unstable, very religious, sometimes-successor Azrael.

While Azarael still scores high on the badass scale – anyone who can wear huge metal claws without feeling self conscious has to naturally – it does feel like a bit of a cop out that the showdown between Batman and the Punisher at the end of the issue doesn't actually feature the 'true Batman'.

Though this tragedy was fixed within the same year, with the publishing of Batman/Punisher: Deadly Knights, it’s hard to forget the feeling of betrayal upon realising the team up of two of comics most unstable heroes was not all it was initially cracked up to be.

However, the image of a knight-esque Batman rescuing Frank Castle from a burning church is maybe the most metal thing in ever, so some exceptions can perhaps be made.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.