10 Insane Batman Crossovers You Won't Believe Existed

5. Batman/Alien

Batman Alien Crossover
DC Comics

Although founded on questionable life decisions from every individual involved in both its creation and release, Batman/Alien does have some of the most unmistakably awesome covers for its issues – seriously, check them out.

An amazing cover does not hide all sins, though, and nor does it take away from how strange it is to see Batman trying to fight the titular Aliens without a gun, or in fact anything but his Bat-fists to defend him.

Ridley Scott and James Cameron's films are themselves fairly insistent on the fact that fighting these extraterrestrial nightmares - without at least as much ammo as you can strap to you - is essentially suicide, and so seeing Batman survive a fight with a staggering three aliens does seem to take his plot armour to an extreme degree, especially since the World’s Greatest Detective’s master plan does appear to be an entirely fist-based exercise.

None of this, however, holds a candle to a particular scene wherein Bruce dreams of his parents’ murder, but replaces Joe Chill with predators bursting out of their rich fleshy prisons. It is both the strangest thing you may ever see, and also possibly the best reimagining of a key part of the hero’s backstory to date.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.