10 Insane Supervillain Schemes You Won't Believe

7. Nicky Cavella Exhumes The Castle Family's Grave

Lex Luthor Superman Toy
Marvel Comics

The entire plot of this volume of Punisher - fittingly titled "Up is Down Black is White" - revolves around gangster leader Nicky Cavella having the genius and not at all dangerous master plan of digging up The Punisher's family's grave solely to urinate on them. It goes exactly as well as you'd expect.

Putting aside the fact that this was basically a surefire way to guarantee a brutal death, the strangest part of this scheme is that there isn't really a solid benefit to it, aside from a serious adrenaline rush at basically signing your own death warrant. Even in terms of proving yourself as a badass to the rest of the world, there are many many better ways to do so that don't involve invoking the concentrated wrath of the most deadly man since... well, ever.

All in all, the series teaches us something everybody who has a brain already knows: don't mess with Frank Castle, and especially don't mess with his family. You'd think people would have learnt that by now.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.