10 Insane Times Heroes Became Horror Villains

8. The Punisher - Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe

Vampire Batman Murders Scarecrow
Marvel Comics

Boogeyman to drug dealers and supervillains everywhere, Frank Castle has always had a habit of acting like an unstoppable slasher villain (see also: all those deaths and resurrections). Never more so than in Garth Ennis's Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe in which, uh, the Punisher kills the Marvel Universe.

In this alternate reality, Frank's family were collateral damage during one of the X-Men's big, public fights. Distraught, the Punisher was born: this time with the world's superhero and supervillain contingent in his sights.

Spider-Man and Venom were the first to fall, followed in no short order by... everyone else. Notable kills include his burning Wolverine to death, shooting Captain America in the head and taking out most of the X-Men with a pistol.

Unlike Freddy, Jason and Michael, however, this boogeyman at least had the good grace to finish himself off once the job was done.


A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.