10 Insultingly Dumb Superman Comic Storylines

4. Lex Luthor Sells Superman's Organs - World's Finest #189-190 (1969)

Superman Supergirl Kiss
DC Comics

After Superman seemingly perished, his heart, lungs, eyes, and ears were meant to be donated to those Superman deemed worthy of his power. Lex Luthor steals the organs and sells them to a bunch of gangsters called The Big Four. After the surgical procedure, the criminals obtain Superman's powers and go on a crime spree throughout the city.

In the following issue, it is revealed that Superman’s “death” was merely a ploy so the Kryptonian could find incriminating evidence on The Big Four. The organs that the gangsters obtained were from a Superman-looking robot.

This story makes less sense the more you think about it. How did Superman know Lex would steal the organs and give them to The Big Four? What if someone else inherited them? Why didn't Lex take the organs for himself? Why didn't Superman tell anyone of his plan? It must've been traumatising for Lois Lane watching Supes "die" and hearing his organs have been stolen by crooks.

You might be wondering how the criminals survived having mechanical organs in their bodies. Well, one of them didn't. His body rejected the organs and he died. So, Superman's plan directly led to a man's death.

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