10 Laziest Comic Book Villains

8. Poison Ivy

Professor X Red Skull brain
DC Comics

When she first came on the scene, Poison Ivy was a badass eco-terrorist with the ability to connect with plants and had no issue when it came to strangling the police with vines. These days though, she's a little pedestrian.

It feels like forever since we've seen Ivy kick some ass. Sadly, it seems she has gone from one of the most exciting Batman villains and become nothing more than Harley Quinn's sidekick. Now, that's not to say the Har-vy relationship isn't fantastic, it really is, but come on Pamela, you're better than this.

It's unsurprising that Ivy has started to take it easy though. Let's face it, if you spent half your life trying to rein in your slightly manic girlfriend, you probably wouldn't get much villainy of your own done.

Thankfully, the incredible Harley Quinn animated series over on DC Unlimited has started to restore Ivy to her previous self.

After busting Harley out of Arkham and causing all kinds of chaos with the new team, she tried to destroy the PlanetWide Pavers factory alone and, though she didn't succeed, it was nice to see her fighting the system again.

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