10 Little Known Superheroes That Would Make DC Millions On Film

2. Blue Beetle

Blue Beetle Ted Kord Jaime Reyes Dan Garrett
DC Comics

The Blue Beetle identity has been adapted by no less than three heroes over the years, so that leaves DC with a myriad of potential options going forward if they wished to pursue the character in a variety of different mediums.

Both Dan Garrett and Ted Kord (the first and second Beetles respectively) were formerly of Charlton Comics, and even served as the inspiration behind both incarnations of Nite-Owl in Alan Moore's Watchmen. Kord would be the likeliest of the two to get any kind of big screen treatment, but even then, it's possible that the newest character of all - Jaime Reyes - would work the best off the page; particularly so, given the character's sci-fi roots.

Gifted the Blue Beetle scarab shortly before Kord's demise in the concluding chapters of Infinite Crisis, the alien artefact gave Jaime a suit of armour and some wickedly powerful abilities, although it did come with the slight caveat that, well, it was slightly evil in origin.

This caveat, whilst undoubtedly troublesome for Jaime, presents a really cool dynamic to play with on the big screen. Here you have a teen who, having stumbled upon this alien artefact, wants to do good, but can only do so while suppressing the device's true nature. It's a killer alteration to the Beetle lore, and, while there will no doubt be plenty of fans out there who are hankering for a Kord series in the classic sense, Jaime Reyes just presents the more interesting angle to take.

The character's already made waves on Young Justice, so if DC were able to capitalise on the show's cult following, they could have yet another surefire success in waiting.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.