10 Little Known Superheroes That Would Make DC Millions On Film

1. The Question

The Question Vic Sage
DC Comics

The Question - both Vic Sage and Renee Montoya - are just about the most interesting unknowns in the DCU.

Sure, the former had a pretty recognisable stint in Justice League Unlimited, but he's been missing in action ever since. The latter, much the same, has been totally absent in the DCU's current incarnation, and one can't help but feel that this is a major loss on the publisher's behalf.

Now for those who don't know, The Question (the Vic Sage version, at least) originated in the pages of Charlton Comics under the hand of Steve Ditko, the co-creator of Spider-Man. This original incarnation, politically absolute and pretty violent too, was later erased in the eighties by Batman veteran Dennis O'Neil, who turned the hero into a student of philosophy and a vigilante who fought against corruption in Hub City - a place that would give Gotham a major run for its money. This, more tempered version of the character, found a massive audience during O'Neil's original publishing run, before going on to find roles in other series, like Cry for Blood. The character's final appearance came in '52', where the mantle was passed to Renee Montoya. It was pretty sad.

An expert martial-artist and sleuth to boot, Ditko's character is one readymade for the live action arena, or even the gaming medium too, if the right opportunity came along. They're perfect in the sense that, not only do you have the action and suspense of a Bat-style premise with the pair, but also the nuance and political salience of the O'Neil series too. More important, however, is that the character's legacy engenders the property with a certain kind of longevity; there's a massive, massive arc that can be explored, if only creators were given the opportunity to do so.

The Question really needs a multifaceted resurrection - one that takes place on the screen as well as off it.


Are there any other DC heroes out there that you think could earn the company a buck or two? Let us know in the comments below!

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.