10 Little Known Superheroes That Would Make DC Millions On Film

6. Batwoman

Batwoman Kate Kane
DC Comics

While there's little doubt that most of you out there will be aware of most, if not all, Bat-fam members, Batwoman is a character that somewhat eludes the spotlight. Not for lack of trying, of course, seeing as how the character is one of the best Gotham-bound characters out there. But still, Kate Kane remains a relative unknown to most audiences out there - something DC must surely rectify soon.

A military veteran and one of the publisher's most iconic LGBT* superheroes, Kate Kane joined the DCU during 52, an event that saw Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman effectively go missing in the wake of Infinite Crisis. Along with The Question and Renee Montoya, Kate looked over Gotham during the Dark Knight's absence, and did a fine job of it too, so much so that she's now a full time member of the Bat-family, and Bruce Wayne's second in command as well.

Apart from the fact that the character brings some much needed representation to the genre, Kate Kane is also just a fantastic character all around. Indeed, Greg Rucka, Haden Blackman and J. H. Williams III's stint on Batwoman proved that and then some, with the series having established the character as a force in the DCU and indeed, a welcome addition to the cast of Bat-themed heroes to have called Gotham home over the years.

But things could be so much better. The chance to see Gotham through the eyes of someone who isn't Batman on both the big and small screens would be so refreshing, and would no doubt solve the Bat-sized headache that's ostensibly working its way through Matt Reeves' long gestating Dark Knight project.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.