10 Little-Known Supervillains That Could Make DC Millions

8. The Wrath

Vandal Savage DC Comics
DC Comics

The Wrath is basically the anti Batman. His parents were killed at a young age too, though they were shot by a young policeman rather than a mugger. Though The Wrath’s parents were burglars, they were shot while climbing out of their own window, hoping to avoid their landlord and thus avoid paying rent.

The stories have similar events in diametrically opposed circumstances. The Waynes were wealthy, law abiding citizens, while The Wrath’s parents were dirt broke burglars. Still, especially for the child each family left behind, their deaths were cruelly unjust.

While Batman takes a lifelong revenge on law breakers, The Wrath has an equally dedicated zest for vengeance, only against the law keepers of Gotham. Oh, and that young policeman who shot The Wrath’s parents? One Commissioner Gordon.

There’s big potential here for this to be a self contained Batman story, as well as more of a frame job or case of mistaken identity with another hero in the driving seat but suspecting Batman.

The DCEU might be naturally cautious on crossover team ups for a while after running before they could walk, but The Wrath could certainly prop one up.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)