10 Little-Known Supervillains That Could Make DC Millions

7. Lady Blaze

Vandal Savage DC Comics
DC Comics

If you like your villains to really look like villains, Lady Blaze has you covered. A red demon with curved horns who occasionally rocks a spiky and terrifying helmet, Lady Blaze certainly has the aesthetic down.

Thankfully, she offers a lot more than that besides.

If the DCEU ever decides to fully embody the gothic, noir tones some of its comics allow for, Lady Blaze is surely the perfect foe. The demon disguises herself as a nightclub owner in Metropolis, calling herself Angelica Blaze. Using her position there, she steals the souls of her patrons.

Lady Blaze doesn’t need to be so hard boiled though. Her demonic nature fits the camp vibe of Shazam! too, and that also fits her back story. She and half brother Satanus are children of the original Shazam, and she is the one who corrupts Black Adam. There’s definitely a chance that Lady Blaze could make her debut in Shazam’s next outing as a supporting character, though that would neuter her somewhat.

Perhaps it’s best to wait until she can be used most effectively rather than wedge her in where she’ll be wasted?


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)