10 Little-Known Supervillains That Could Make DC Millions

6. Vandal Savage

Vandal Savage DC Comics
DC Comics

Vandal Savage has already appeared in the Arrowverse and Legends of Tomorrow, but it’s very clear the DCEU is something significantly different. They’ve obviously invested a lot of time into their TV wing, but the movies remain the big guns.

To that end, Vandal Savage still has a lot to offer, and could be a big money maker if they use him correctly.

The supervillain is immortal, and his influence on Earth is constantly being felt, infecting the planet with violence and crime. A highly tactical thinker with an almost unrivalled appetite for destruction, Vandal Savage is a fearsome yet under appreciated DC rogue.

There are various origins for Savage’s immortality. Some stories suggest he was suffering from cancer when he acquired it, and thus is in constant pain, though his condition means it can never kill him. The immortality sometimes has roots in a meteor which crashed on Earth, infecting him with regenerative abilities.

He’s also sometimes shown to be Cain, the Bible’s first murderer. This can work in conjunction with cancer and the meteor storyline too, but if he comes to the movies, they’re likely to just pick one of the three.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)