10 Little-Known Supervillains That Could Make DC Millions

3. Volcana

Vandal Savage DC Comics
Warner Bros.

Volcana might be a bit of a strange one, given that she’s only had two comic book appearances ever. However, her solid history in Superman: The Animated Series establishes her as a key character with a robust enough story to support a feature arc as the big bad.

She’s a pyrotechnic, once taken in by the Centre For Paranormal Activity to be protected and studied, only for the government to commandeer her to make her a living weapon. It’s a well worn story, and if she ever does come to the big screen, a rewrite might be in order. It’s not that her origin story is bad, necessarily, just that we’ve seen various versions of it for other characters so many times before, it doesn’t exactly offer a new or interesting perspective.

Regardless of her origin though, the character created is a fascinating one.

As an Animated Series character, she’ll be popular with a certain generation of fans enough to gain recognition, but still be able to provide something fresh. The future of Superman in the DCEU looks spotty at best right now though, so that could be another road block for Volcana to overcome.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)