10 Little-Known Supervillains That Could Make DC Millions

2. Parasite

Vandal Savage DC Comics
DC Comics

Not the recent Bong Joon Ho movie, as wonderful as that is, but instead the Metahuman who counts himself amongst Superman’s most challenging rogues. There’s several versions of the character, but the Rudy Jones version is both the most famous and the most popular. He’s appeared in both Smallville and Supergirl, and should be ready now for a jump to the DCEU.

Superman’s considerable powers have forced a bit of a design trope onto his villains, with Parasite fitting the Hulk-like aesthetic of Darkseid and Doomsday. He does offer something different though, and not just his glowing purple skin.

While Rudy Jones is the ‘a-list’ Parasite, the New-52 version Joshua Allen might have the best chance. A depressed delivery boy who accidentally ends up between Superman and an alien fighting in Metropolis, Allen attacks the creature with a power line. This gives him the creature's absorption powers, and when Superman later saves him from a suicide attempt, he absorbs the Man of Steel’s powers too, turning him into Parasite.

This version is then conscripted into the Suicide Squad, and this story feels like it could fit with James Gunn’s sensibilities during his time with the franchise.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)